Medication & Therapy Plan
- How can I see my medication stock?
- How can I add/edit/stop/remove my medication?
- Which data can I add to my medication?
- How can I pause/reactivate my medication?
- What kind of treatments can I add?
- What should I do if my medication and/or the right settings for it are not available?
- How can I add/edit/delete a one-off intake (e.g. as needed medication like headache tablets)?
- How can I monitor/refill my medication supply?
- How can I add/edit/remove information and pictures in my medication?
- How can I retrieve the package information of my medication?
- What is the bundeseinheitliche Medikationsplan (BMP)?
- How can I add/edit/stop/remove a bundeseinheitlichen Medikationsplan (BMP)?
- What do the orange/red symbols and banners mean for my medication and how do I solve the problem?
- How can I print/export my treatment list?
- What do preferred intake times mean and why can I only store 4 times on there?
- How can I export/print/share my intakes?