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How can I add/edit/stop/remove my medication?

1 min read

On mediteo you can add any medication in order to receive the corresponding reminders, monitor your current supply and always keep clear, relevant information quickly at hand at all times.

Add (two possibilities):

Treatments → “Plus” symbol (iOS top right, Android bottom right) → Insert search term (name, active substances or manufacturer) or scan bar code → Select medication (or “Add anyway”) → Follow the questions in the app
Daily → “Plus” symbol” (iOS top right, Android bottom right) → New intake → Add new medication → Insert search term (name, active substances or manufacturer) or scan bar code → Select medication (or “Add anyway”) → Follow the questions in the app

Edit (only current medication, two possibilities):

Daily → Tap on intake → “…” symbol (more) → Change therapy plan → Tap on information which should be changed → Follow the questions in the app
Treatments → Tap on medication → Tap on information which should be changed → Follow the questions in the app

Stop medication (only current medication, two (iOS three) possibilities):

Daily → Tap on intake → “…” symbol (more) → Change therapy plan → Stop medication (you may have to scroll) → Stop
Treatments → Tap on medication → Stop medication (you may have to scroll) → Stop
Only iOS: Treatments → Swipe medication to the left→ Stop

Delete (only stopped medication):

iOS: Treatments → Tab “History” → “Select” symbol (top right) → Tap on medication(s) → Hide (you may have to scroll)
Android (two possibilities):
Treatments → Tab “History” → Press and hold the medication → If needed, select further medication → Hide (you may have to scroll)
Treatments → Tab “History” → “…” symbol (top right) → Hide a treatment → Select treatment(s) → Hide